Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is my final posting on this site, and I will close it soon. My health is back to almost normal and I am doing almost everything I was before. I am blessed.

Thanks for all of your prayers, cards, calls, thoughts, emails, and other.

God bless you,

Friday, April 3, 2009

My health is now fine. My knee is still problematic, but I am walking well.

I am truly blessed and slowly returning to the former lifestyle of activity and travel.

Thanks for all of your prayers, cards, calls, thoughts, and concerns.

God bless you, Ralph

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I continue to feel better almost daily. My knee is now the trouble spot as it is swollen and stiff again, but that is minor--I am mobile and somewhat productive again. I continue to marvel at the events that led to the discovery of the tumor!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am continuing to do well and will suspend daily entries here. I plan a couple weeks of posting and then --if all remains well - terminate this blog.

God bless you,

Friday, March 6, 2009

I am still having good days!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I had another good day yesterday and am looking forward to being outside today!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feeling much better!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another good day. I feel like the rate of improvement has improved. I am ready for warm weather again and will be outside doing stuff again.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I am having another good day! That makes 3 in a row! God bless you.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Having a good day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am feeling much better today after resting all day yesterday and existing on water, jello, and some apple juice. Now I can have oatmeal and meat (with no barbecue sauce) and a few other bland items.

Being able to get outside in the weather has been great!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We had a problem last night. About 9:30 I felt like I had indigestion coming on and took some antacid tablets. They did not help. I drank Sprite and ate a piece of toast - no help. It developed into a significant pain just below the sternum. It worsened until I went to ER at 11 pm. They tested me for heart attack and that was negative. I was at the 'climbing the walls' pain level until they gave me a pain killer shot. After doing more blood testing and an ultrasound exam they concluded it was pancreatitis. The doctor said it is not unusual for the pancreas to act abnormal post-operative but it usually happens within a week or two after. He also said fried foods can bring it on, and I had eaten some chicken nuggets in the afternoon.

Home at 3 am, on a clear liquid diet and later a bland diet. Woke up this morning tired but with no pain.

Getting old is not for 'sissies'!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've been disappointed that every day now seems the same--don't feel like doing anything and don't have the energy to do it if I felt like it. I walk a lot and ride the exercise bike a lot.

I visited the doctor this afternoon. He said I was doing OK and reminded me that I had major surgery, that they changed a lot of my system around, and removed body parts that had been with me since birth. He then reminded me that I was not as young as I used to be and that I should not be so anxious to be up and going strong. He said to do what I can, rest a lot, take it easy, and by the way, come back in a couple weeks. OK. I may be getting the picture--slow down, take it easy, build up your strength slowly, recognize that you are getting older, and quit whining!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My days are getting better and better. I can walk further and ride my stationary bike further almost every day. Today it is warmer and I plan to get outside for a while.

Thanks again for your prayers, cards, thoughts, calls, and visits. God bless you, Ralph

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am doing quite a bit better today. The combination of a visit to the chiropractor and a new recliner have made a tremendous difference in my back. I am walking a lot and riding my exercise bike. My appetite is improving and my 'system' seems to be working well.

God is Good.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Today is about the same, except the pain level seems to be decreasing. I do a lot of walking and a lot of resting. Compared to a week ago, I am better.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today has been so-so. I slept very well but I am tired. We went to church for a while, but I did not stay around and risk catching a virus or other bad germs. After a nap I am watching the Daytona 500 and resting.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I am comfortable today. I have found the right amount of pain meds and sleep. My appetite is gaining along with my energy level.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I probably walked too far yesterday. Did not feel very good last night and am really lethargic today. My back is much better because of the new recliner delivered Wednesday evening. Napping is the main thing for today, but with the wind blowing as it is, that is OK.

Looking forward to tomorrow, Ralph

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Had another good sleep night. Pain level has decreased a little. Will get to walk today when it is warm and not windy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I finally gave up last night and took a pain pill for my back pain. Lying in the hospital bed so long and now too much recliner time really hurts. The pill did help me sleep.

I had the staples taken out of the incisions today. The surgeon said it looked good. He recommended continued light duty but lifted the bland food diet--I can eat anything but do it in moderation.

He said it was normal to be weak and tired--for the same reasons Carol gave me a week ago.

Anyway, I continue to strengthen daily and he wants to see me in a month. I assume at that time he will release me to do whatever I want.

Thanks for your continued prayers and thoughts. Ralph

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I had a fair day. Went to the chiropractor this morning because my back was so messed up. Spent some time outside this afternoon.

My digestive system is still not working correctly, but I can eat. Maybe it just takes time to get it back to normal.

I get the staples out tomorrow, and that will help--it really itches.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I slept longer last night and feel a little stronger today. I hope to get outside today if the wind does not blow me away.
I still have the hurting and discomfort in the area of surgery. It hurts badly to sneeze, cough, yawn, or hiccup. I am still avoiding crowds to try to stay healthy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am stronger today. Two long naps yesterday helped. My stomach and bowels are still not back to normal, but we are managing to get by.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've been thinking of other foods that fit the doctor's requirements:
Chili with noodles
Egg sandwiches

But for now, I am on a totally bland diet which excludes anything good.
Ralph is about the same. Tired but slowly gaining.

He figured out a new advantage of his situation: the doctor recommended a diet of about 30% protein, 60% carbohydrates, and 10% fat. Two things came to mind immediately--lasagna and pizza!!!! Hard to imagine that three meals a day--probably won't happen.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ralph is still recovering slowly and tires very easily.

The pathology report showed that the tumor was the worst kind of cancer, but the surgeon says he removed it all intact. He also tested tissue in the surrounding area and it was clear. No further treatment is recommended now. He suggested a scan to followup on a regular basis.
Ralph is still weak and tires easily.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Got home yesterday about noon and took a nap. I walk a lot from end to end of the house for exercise, and I get tired really fast. In the afternoon I said "I can't figure out why I get tired so easy!".

Carol said, "well, let's see. You haven't eaten for 4 of the last 7 days, you had a kidney removed, you lost a lot of blood which made you anemic, you had not fully recuperated from your knee replacement, and you have been heavily sedated and drugged and had your schedule upset--yeah, why should you be tired so easily?".

I told her all that was true, but why do I get tired so easy? I am still wondering!!

My system is trying to return to normal. I will get stronger with rest. God bless youl

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The doctor came in this morning early and said he would release me today.
I have low energy and not much appetitie, but things inside are working properly!

The pathology report is back, but we will discuss that later. God bless you,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hi Friends!

It is just past noon on Tuesday, and I am still in the hospital. My bowels just will not work correctly yet. The nurses are mixing my up special blends of prune juice, apple juice, butter, and who knows what. I still have bad gas pains and bloating, but it seems to be getting better. It may even get exciting at some point.

I look forward to that blog entry that says "I'm home".

Monday, February 2, 2009

I am having a much better day - Monday. The catheter was removed and all is well there. I still have not had a lot of bowel movements, but the pain is reduced and managable. My surgeon was in this morning and is encouraging that things will continue to get better. I just need to pass more gas! I started back to eating clear liquids and he authorized some solid foods.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday night update...

Today we saw more progress. The medications for pain that they are now giving him are allowing him to be more alert than before. We are hopeful that by Tuesday he will be ready to go home. The doctor for Saturday and Sunday was not the surgeon that performed the surgery. The surgeon will be back in Monday morning and we hope to get a better picture of how things are going then. Thank you for continuing your prayers.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday morning

I stayed with Daddy last night and let Mama go home and rest. Daddy slept well most of the night. We took several exciting trips up and down the hall and the nurse and I bullied him into doing his breathing exercises to clear his lungs. He is running a higher fever this morning, but they are not overly concerned.

They are switching him to pills for the pain. He needs to be up and moving more, and the morphine is keeping him too groggy to stay awake long enough to walk down the hall.

The doctor should be in shortly to check on him. Mama, Lana and Mark will be back soon also.

We all appreciate your prayers!

- Lisa

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday night update

We just came back from the hospital. The pain medicine is making him sleep quite a bit so visits will still need to be brief tomorrow. His vitals are good, and he walked a little bit today so he's doing as good as can be expected at this point.

He has received quite a stack of the ecards through the earlier link. One thing to note is that they are not delivered over the weekend so any sent after this point will not be received, assuming he goes home over the weekend.

Thank you for your faithful prayers up to this point. Please continue to pray that he recovers quickly.
The doctor was in this morning and said everything looks good. Ralph is starting on clear liquids today. He's on morphine for pain and it is making him very sleepy so any visits today should be brief ones. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One last note for today...

I just wanted to let you know he's now in his room resting. The nurses said he lost a lot of blood during the surgery but they are watching his numbers to make sure everything is okay. He's doing as good as can be expected tonight and the nurses said his vitals look good. The pathology report will not be back till Monday. The doctor said he believed it was malignant but that it was all contained within the tumor he removed.

He is in room 383 at Freeman West. If you'd like to send a free email card that they print out and deliver from the hospital, you can go to:
http://www.freemanhealth.com/body.cfm?id=1147 and click on the "free patient greetings" link to do so. There are very few options for the cards so don't feel bad telling him "It's a boy!" or "Congratulations on the twins!" He laughed about the ones he got last time. :)

Again, thank you for your prayers today and in the days leading up to the surgery. We know God was protecting him and guiding his surgeon. We'll keep you posted as we get new information.

Surgery is done...

We just finished talking with the surgeon. He said the surgery went well. He feels like the tumor is cancerous, but that it had not spread anywhere else. Prognosis is good. Daddy is in recovery right now and will soon go to a room. Thank you all for your prayers! Please continue to pray for him as he recovers. God is good.

On Schedule

Just a quick update. Lisa arrived around 11:30 thanks to Wayne and Judy. It is now 12:45 and things are on schedule for the surgery to begin at 1:00. Please continue your prayers.
The day has arrived. I slept soundly, woke up early, did a workout on the elliptical machine, and walked a lot in the long halls of the hotel. We are awaiting word from Lisa about when she will arrive. She spent the night with friends in Cave Springs.
Checkin at the hospital is 10:30 with surgery scheduled for about 1 pm. I am ready to 'git-r-dun'!
Further entries will be made by my daughter(s), so you can expect longer stories with more detail and maybe even some humor added.
God bless you, Ralph 8 am Thursday 1/29/09

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It is almost 8 pm. I have completed the 'gut cleansing' and am relaxing in the hotel. The biggest challenge has been with Lisa getting here from Charlotte, NC. Her first flight was cancelled because of weather and the second one, that she actually was on, was diverted to Little Rock. She is now waiting on ground transportation to Fayetteville, which will take another 4 hours by the time they get it arranged.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers. Ralph
I slept well but woke up early, as usual. It snowed some more during the night but the roads are passable and traffic is moving. The sky should be clearing and it will start to warm up. Yesterday it never got up to 20 and we stayed in except to go get the mail and feed the pets.

I am ready! I can tolerate the clear liquids and colon cleansing today. Just bring it on. I will get to visit all of my daughters tomorrow!

I've been thinking about the word submit, or submission. Paul tells us in Romans, Ephesians, and other places to submit: to authorities and governments, to each other, wives to husbands, slaves to masters, children to fathers, etc. I thought about how, when I lay on that table, I am in total submsision to the doctors and nurses--literally placing my life in their hands. People used to do that when they rode in a helicopter with me, and we do that when we get on a plane today--totally submit to and trust the pilot.

That is what Jesus asks us to do daily; deny ourselves, submit to and trust and follow Him.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We spent the day watching the weather, packing clothes and medicines, charging cell phones, and talking to friends and family.
Tomorrow (Wed) we will check into a hotel in Joplin. I will begin the clear liquid diet and colon cleansing process. Carol will go to Fayetteville and meet Lisa at the airport.
The hospital called and discussed my condition and the process of checking in.
The weather appears to be cooperating. It is snowing now but that will stop soon. It will remain cold, but the sky will clear.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I plan to have one of my daughters update this blog while I am unable to. It is to keep friends and family informed of our status and my progress.

Update on Ralph's progress through surgery

It is Jan 26, 09, just 3 days until my scheduled surgery to remove a kidney which contains a tumor. We are experiencing an ice storm which adds to the stress.
My saga started several months ago with knee pain and swelling. I do not like to go to doctors, so I let it go quite a while--much too long. Finally, I consulted an orthopedic surgeon who suggested that the knee needed total replacement. I informed him that I had been a jogger all of my life and the problem was just a tendon tear on the inside, and that he could arthroscopically repair it easily. He did not really agree, but he did agree to try it. On August 22, 08, he did the arthroscopic procedure and said he was unable to help it--the cartiledge was totally disintegrated! Walking with a cane for support, I went to La Palma El Salvador and climbed those hills for 10 days just two weeks later. When we returned I could not wait to have the replacement because I was really hurting.
On October 6 Dr. Ball performed the total joint replacement on my left knee. I was in good physical shape and fully expected to recover rapidly. The doctor said that after he opened the knee he almost sewed it shut and immobilized it for 3 or 4 months because the irritation inside was so bad. Two days later my fever was 103+ and I was really sick. An infectious disease doctor was brought in, and they experimented with various antibiotics for a while. Ten days later I left the hospital not knowing what the cause of the fever was, but it was gone. I was on a strong antibiotic for 2 months. My knee hurt all the time and physical therapy became physical terrorism. Recovery was very slow. Others who had similar surgery later were way ahead of me in walking.

On December 29 I went back to the doctor with the knee swollen and aching. He drew fluid from it and sent me to the lab for blood testing. On the way to the lab I met the infectious disease doctor in the hallway. He inquired how I was doing and felt of the knee. He ordered a ceretec scan in addition to the blood testing.

The scan was done a couple days later, and the doctor called me at home on Saturday afternoon to tell me that the scan showed infection in my right abdomen. He ordered a CT scan with contrast ASAP. That scan was completed on a Wednesday afternoon, and the doctor called me to his office the very next morning. He informed us that the CT scan showed a 6 cm tumor on my left kidney. Carol and I were shocked big time. The doctor referred us to a gastroenterologist for a colonscopy and a urologist for kidney removal. We were able to see the urologist the very next day. He explained that it was a slow-growing tumor, had probably been growing 4-5 years, might not have caused any symptoms for another 5-6 years when it was too late, and needed to be removed but it was not an emergency (it was to me). He explained that it was in the upper center of the kidney and too large for a partial kidney removal--the whole thing would need to come out. He would do it semi-laproscopically through two very small holes and one about 8 cm across. He said the tumor was assumed to be cancerous until it was removed and proven otherwise, although many of them are not. If it is cancerous, and if the cancer is totally encapsulated in the tumor, the removal is all that is needed. If it is not encapsulated and the cancer has spread, further treatment would be needed. He answered all of our questions and we scheduled the surgery for January 29, the earliest that he could do it.

The third colonscopy of my life was done and the colon is clear of infection. We don't know what showed up on the ceretec scan as infection, but it apparently is gone.

We are now watching the weather as freezing rain falls. Can we get to the hospital on Thursday? Can Lisa's flight from Charlotte get into Northwest Arkansas airport Wednesday? Can I stay healthy and not catch a cold? Can the hospital stay on schedule or will they postpone my operation?

The good news is that to the best of our ability we are trusting in God. His plans don't always match ours. We believe Romans 8: 28. We know that people are praying for me in Honduras and El Salvador and Zambia and dozens of states across this great country of ours. The battle belongs to the Lord.